Ok, so I forgot yesterday was Wednesday the weigh in day. I have been so busy this week I feel behind. I am enjoying my new life style. I have soooooo much energy. Someone asked me today how was I doing this. I told them it is GOD. He has given me the power to overcome temptation and a 20 plus year habit.
It takes renewing your mind on a daily basis. Sometimes more! He is faithful! You have to stay in the Word and agree with Him about what He says about you, and what He says to do to live the abundant life. I told my daughter earlier if will power alone could do it I would be a twig. I wouldn't have any problem overcoming temptation. But the only power is Holy Ghost power. With the fulfilling of the Holy Spirit I have all the power available to me to overcome!
So everyone is wondering what is the weight this week? I am happy to report that this week I lost a lot of fear that I had, I gained some new understanding in the Word of God, I lost the habit of snacking at night time. I did lose weight to. I now weigh 234. Praise God! He is so faithful.
Tomorrow I will post on some ways that He has gotten me through the difficult times. Love each and everyone of you. Keep praying, keep on pursuing your dreams. He is the dream maker.
Princess Lee
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mothers Day
Proverbs 31:10 says "A capable, intelligent, and virtusous woman-who is he who can find her? She is far more precious than jewels and her value is far above rubies or pearls." My mother is more precious than anything to me. She is truly a gift from God.
Growing up in the military we didn't always have everything we wanted but my mother made sure we had everything we needed. I know that she wore the same Sunday dress for years to church. She learned how to sew so she could make us new clothes. We always had new clothes each year for school. One thing that stands out in my mind, we always had new PJ's. This was so important to my mother!
She always ate the worst pieces of meat. The neck bone when she fried chicken. She never complained of having to eat this piece of meat. The rest of us always got our favorite piece. I have noted that since we have been grown and out on our on she has not eaten a neck bone.
My mother was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in 1988. She was given 6 months at that time to live. But God healed her! Then again last year she was diagnosed with cancer again. Differrent type, very agressivie, fast growing! Again the doctors did not give her very long. Again God has healed her. Now both times my mother went through so much treatment. I know they were very hard on her. But she never complained. She took everything with such grace. She even started her own business through the first one. My mother is doing very well today!! As I was helping the boys shop for mothers day yesterday at Walmart I was looking at all the flowers and saw the ones you place in a cemetary and stopped and thanked God that I did not have to buy those kind!
I became a mother February 14, 1981. No that is not my first child's birthday but it is the day I found out I was pregnant. Motherhood is an honor from God. A gift! I thank God that he chose me to be a mother. I feel really blessed. I have enjoyed being a mother. I had a very good example in my life.
So today as we honor our mothers everywhere remember to thank God for these mothers that He has blessed us with. Reflect on what a mother is. There is an old saying that says the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.
I just want to say Thank You Momma. I love you so much. You are the most beautiful woman to me! I enjoy you. You are my best friend! So today and everyday I honor you. You did a fantastic job! You are an awesome mother!!
Princess Lee
Growing up in the military we didn't always have everything we wanted but my mother made sure we had everything we needed. I know that she wore the same Sunday dress for years to church. She learned how to sew so she could make us new clothes. We always had new clothes each year for school. One thing that stands out in my mind, we always had new PJ's. This was so important to my mother!
She always ate the worst pieces of meat. The neck bone when she fried chicken. She never complained of having to eat this piece of meat. The rest of us always got our favorite piece. I have noted that since we have been grown and out on our on she has not eaten a neck bone.
My mother was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia in 1988. She was given 6 months at that time to live. But God healed her! Then again last year she was diagnosed with cancer again. Differrent type, very agressivie, fast growing! Again the doctors did not give her very long. Again God has healed her. Now both times my mother went through so much treatment. I know they were very hard on her. But she never complained. She took everything with such grace. She even started her own business through the first one. My mother is doing very well today!! As I was helping the boys shop for mothers day yesterday at Walmart I was looking at all the flowers and saw the ones you place in a cemetary and stopped and thanked God that I did not have to buy those kind!
I became a mother February 14, 1981. No that is not my first child's birthday but it is the day I found out I was pregnant. Motherhood is an honor from God. A gift! I thank God that he chose me to be a mother. I feel really blessed. I have enjoyed being a mother. I had a very good example in my life.
So today as we honor our mothers everywhere remember to thank God for these mothers that He has blessed us with. Reflect on what a mother is. There is an old saying that says the hand that rocks the cradle, rules the world.
I just want to say Thank You Momma. I love you so much. You are the most beautiful woman to me! I enjoy you. You are my best friend! So today and everyday I honor you. You did a fantastic job! You are an awesome mother!!
Princess Lee
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Call On Jesus!
When I call on Jesus all things are possible. I can mount on wings like eagles and soar. When I call on Jesus, mountains are gonna fall. Cause He'll move heaven and earth to come rescue me when I call! I just love that song by Nicole C. Mullen.
I am telling you I had to do me some call'en today! I was doing the Biggest Loser workout on my Wii and they had me do the downward facing dog. Well if you have never done that, it is no easy task for a 236 pound woman. But I did it anyway. Then to make matters worse while you are in that position after what seems a looooooong time, they have you throw one leg up in the air. Seriously?? Well I thought I was going to pass out! I started quoting scripture each time getting louder, "I can do ALL things thru Christ who gives me strength." " I CAN do ALL things thru Christ who gives me strength." I said "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THRU CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH!!! I CAN DO ALL THINGS THRU CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH." Then I started screaming really really loud "Come on Jesus, give me strength, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me now, I need it now." Boy I sure hope no one was looking in my window. Haha!
Well at the moment when I felt myself giving in it felt like someone grabed my one leg that was in the air and just held it. I was overcome with words that I cannnot even express! I called and He came. (probably had a legion of angels holding that one leg up) haha.
I always knew Jesus would come to my rescue but not while I was excising!! He definately came through for me today. He wants to be a part of every area of our lives. He wants to be there in the every day mundane, the 911 calls and then those peaceful moments at the end of the day when He just dances and sings over you as you drift off to sleep.
There is nothing or no one like My Jesus! He is truly walking every step of this journey with me. I am really comming to know what it means to have a relationship with Him. I am learning that He loves me no matter what. I also am learning that He enjoys me and delights in me. Oh what a Savoir!
Princess Lee
I am telling you I had to do me some call'en today! I was doing the Biggest Loser workout on my Wii and they had me do the downward facing dog. Well if you have never done that, it is no easy task for a 236 pound woman. But I did it anyway. Then to make matters worse while you are in that position after what seems a looooooong time, they have you throw one leg up in the air. Seriously?? Well I thought I was going to pass out! I started quoting scripture each time getting louder, "I can do ALL things thru Christ who gives me strength." " I CAN do ALL things thru Christ who gives me strength." I said "I CAN DO ALL THINGS THRU CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH!!! I CAN DO ALL THINGS THRU CHRIST WHO GIVES ME STRENGTH." Then I started screaming really really loud "Come on Jesus, give me strength, give it to me, give it to me, give it to me now, I need it now." Boy I sure hope no one was looking in my window. Haha!
Well at the moment when I felt myself giving in it felt like someone grabed my one leg that was in the air and just held it. I was overcome with words that I cannnot even express! I called and He came. (probably had a legion of angels holding that one leg up) haha.
I always knew Jesus would come to my rescue but not while I was excising!! He definately came through for me today. He wants to be a part of every area of our lives. He wants to be there in the every day mundane, the 911 calls and then those peaceful moments at the end of the day when He just dances and sings over you as you drift off to sleep.
There is nothing or no one like My Jesus! He is truly walking every step of this journey with me. I am really comming to know what it means to have a relationship with Him. I am learning that He loves me no matter what. I also am learning that He enjoys me and delights in me. Oh what a Savoir!
Princess Lee
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
This journey has been hard but joyful! I have gained new insight regarding my Father God. He is so faithful. He is teaching me that I can trust Him 100% of the time and I do not have to lean on my own understanding but to lean on His Word.
I will admit that the scales have really tried to pull on me. My weight last week was such a disappointment. I had worked so hard exercising and eating healthy. When I stepped on those scales I wanted to cry. But the Holy Spirit kept saying You can do all things thru Christ who gives you strength. I could feel the tug of the Holy Spirit on my life to not give up. Satan wanted me to give up, throw in the towel and just eat my heart out!
I made the decision to listen to His (God's) voice and to continue to bring honor to Him with my food choices and exercising. The verse in Isaiah 40:31 says "But those who wait upon the Lord shall change and renew their strength and power, they shall lift their wings and mount up as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired." (Amplified) Oh how true that verse is. I have actually jogged and walked, alot! Instead of getting tired I gained energy I did not know I had. I let God minister to me thru this week and just ignored the scales. After all they don't know me like my God knows me.
Well I am so happy to report that I have a loss this week! I weigh 236!! I will continue to honor God. Not because of what the scales have said, but because of what He has said!
I am learning that the spirit man has to be strong. I am the biggest giant in my life. I had to get delivered of myself. I can't know myself after the flesh. As my pastor said "The key to ressurection power was Jesus willinginess to do what the Father asked." When you are walking in the Word satan has no power to grasp you and keep you from succeding.
Princess Lee
I will admit that the scales have really tried to pull on me. My weight last week was such a disappointment. I had worked so hard exercising and eating healthy. When I stepped on those scales I wanted to cry. But the Holy Spirit kept saying You can do all things thru Christ who gives you strength. I could feel the tug of the Holy Spirit on my life to not give up. Satan wanted me to give up, throw in the towel and just eat my heart out!
I made the decision to listen to His (God's) voice and to continue to bring honor to Him with my food choices and exercising. The verse in Isaiah 40:31 says "But those who wait upon the Lord shall change and renew their strength and power, they shall lift their wings and mount up as eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired." (Amplified) Oh how true that verse is. I have actually jogged and walked, alot! Instead of getting tired I gained energy I did not know I had. I let God minister to me thru this week and just ignored the scales. After all they don't know me like my God knows me.
Well I am so happy to report that I have a loss this week! I weigh 236!! I will continue to honor God. Not because of what the scales have said, but because of what He has said!
I am learning that the spirit man has to be strong. I am the biggest giant in my life. I had to get delivered of myself. I can't know myself after the flesh. As my pastor said "The key to ressurection power was Jesus willinginess to do what the Father asked." When you are walking in the Word satan has no power to grasp you and keep you from succeding.
Princess Lee
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Royal Wedding
I just love wedding's. Young love is just so sweet. I recently attended a large wedding that was just simply beautiful. The two young people were so in love. This was a fairy tell wedding. I had never been to a wedding like this or as beautiful as this.
Well tomorrow there will be a royal wedding. A fairy tell wedding. The prince has taken a bride wedding. Don't we all love those cinderella stories, the happy ever after's? I know I will be watching. All the planning and everything that has gone into the preparation for this wedding just amazes me!
But there is another royal wedding that is scheduled. This will be the wedding of all ages. So much preparation and planning have gone into this wedding. This groom is away preparing the mansion and getting everything ready. He is coming soon!

I am the bride of Christ!
Princess Lee
Well tomorrow there will be a royal wedding. A fairy tell wedding. The prince has taken a bride wedding. Don't we all love those cinderella stories, the happy ever after's? I know I will be watching. All the planning and everything that has gone into the preparation for this wedding just amazes me!
But there is another royal wedding that is scheduled. This will be the wedding of all ages. So much preparation and planning have gone into this wedding. This groom is away preparing the mansion and getting everything ready. He is coming soon!

I am the bride of Christ!
"Hallelujah! For our Lord God Almighty reigns. Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Fine linen, bright and clean, was given her to wear." (Fine linen stands for the righteous acts of the saints.) (Rev. 19:6-8)
I saw the Holy City, the new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride beautifully dressed for her husband.... One of the seven angels... said to me, "Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb." And he carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God. It shone with the glory of God. (Rev. 21:2,9-11)
Princess Lee
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Another weigh in day
Ok, so today is another weigh in day. I will admit it has been hard to not let the scales dictate how I feel. I have had to renew my mind in this area so much lately.
Today's weight is the same as last week, 240. No big loss to report. I have been exercising daily and not having to take a nap just to prepare myself for the afternoon. I have had so much energy and really feel good about myself.
This journey has been really hard. But I did not expect it to be easy. I have had a trying week. I would love to get on here and say that it has been a piece of cake (topped with a cherry). I have struggled in the evenings with wanting to over indulge. I have resisted but I have had days where I gave in. But God is faithful, He is a God of second, third, fourth and etc. chances. This is not the end of the world. I am still in right standing in His eyes. I am still Holy.
So here goes. I am going to pull up my big (no pun intended) pants and start fresh and new. Pray for me. Lift me up in much prayer. I love each and everyone of you that have told me you are following my blog. I have no faith or confidence in myself but I do have faith and confidence in the One who started a work in me will see it to completion.
Princess Lee
Today's weight is the same as last week, 240. No big loss to report. I have been exercising daily and not having to take a nap just to prepare myself for the afternoon. I have had so much energy and really feel good about myself.
This journey has been really hard. But I did not expect it to be easy. I have had a trying week. I would love to get on here and say that it has been a piece of cake (topped with a cherry). I have struggled in the evenings with wanting to over indulge. I have resisted but I have had days where I gave in. But God is faithful, He is a God of second, third, fourth and etc. chances. This is not the end of the world. I am still in right standing in His eyes. I am still Holy.
So here goes. I am going to pull up my big (no pun intended) pants and start fresh and new. Pray for me. Lift me up in much prayer. I love each and everyone of you that have told me you are following my blog. I have no faith or confidence in myself but I do have faith and confidence in the One who started a work in me will see it to completion.
Princess Lee
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Awesome service at church this morning! Thanks Pastor Tracy for always feeding us steak and baked potatoes!
This morning when I woke up all I could think were the words IT IS FINISHED and HE'S ALIVE! The most important words at this time of the year. Jesus finished everything that concerns me and pastor Tracy really expounded on that today.
His top 10 list today was:
10 things we have power over.
1. Fear, 2Timothy 1:7; Hebrews 2:14-15
2. Sin, Mark 2:10
3. sickness, Mark 3:15; Luke 9:1
4. satan, Mark 6:7; Luke 9:1
5. My past, Phil. 3:9-14
6. instability, Romans 16:25; Acts 1:8
7. Over my mind, flesh and will, 1Cor 7:37; John 17:2
8. everything that hinder me, 1Cor 6:12
9. to receive all things I need, 2 Peter 1:3-4
10. I have power to become________________, John 1:12
the same power Christ lived by is the same power we can live by. According to Matthew 28, Jesus gave us power of attorney!
This morning when I woke up all I could think were the words IT IS FINISHED and HE'S ALIVE! The most important words at this time of the year. Jesus finished everything that concerns me and pastor Tracy really expounded on that today.
His top 10 list today was:
10 things we have power over.
1. Fear, 2Timothy 1:7; Hebrews 2:14-15
2. Sin, Mark 2:10
3. sickness, Mark 3:15; Luke 9:1
4. satan, Mark 6:7; Luke 9:1
5. My past, Phil. 3:9-14
6. instability, Romans 16:25; Acts 1:8
7. Over my mind, flesh and will, 1Cor 7:37; John 17:2
8. everything that hinder me, 1Cor 6:12
9. to receive all things I need, 2 Peter 1:3-4
10. I have power to become________________, John 1:12
the same power Christ lived by is the same power we can live by. According to Matthew 28, Jesus gave us power of attorney!
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